List all DBs, Tables, and Columns
Sometimes it’s necessary or nice to export all the databases and tables on a server. This simple script will give you information about every table you have access. As a DBA, you can uncomment the “execute as…” and “revert” lines to determine what tables another user can see.
-- execute as login = 'newUser' set nocount on Declare @Output as table (DBName varchar(200), TableName varchar(200), TAB_VIEW varchar(10), ColName varchar(200), ColType varchar(200), PK bit) declare @DBName as VARCHAR(100) = 'master' declare @SQL as NVARCHAR(max) declare @CurDB as int = 5 while @CurDB <= (select MAX(database_id) from master.sys.databases) begin SELECT @DBName = name from master.sys.databases where database_id = @CurDB begin try print 'Checking ' + @DBName + '…' SET @SQL = 'select "' + @DBName + "' as DBName, as TableName, tables.TAB_VIEW, as ColName, case when "varchar" then "varchar(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length) ,-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "char" then "char(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length) ,-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "nvarchar" then "nvarchar(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length/2),-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "nchar" then "nchar(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length/2),-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "binary" then "binary(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length) ,-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "varbinary" then "varbinary(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length) ,-1),0),"MAX") + ")" when "numeric" then "numeric(" + convert(varchar(4),columns.precision) + "," + convert(varchar(4),columns.scale) + ")" when "decimal" then "decimal(" + convert(varchar(4),columns.precision) + "," + convert(varchar(4),columns.scale) + ")" when "float" then "float" + ISNULL(NULLIF("("+convert(varchar(4),columns.precision)+")","(53)"),"") –when "varbinary" then "varbinary(" + ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(convert(varchar(4),columns.max_length) ,-1),0),"MAX") + ")" else end as ColType–, columns.* ,isnull(PK.[PrimaryKey],0) as [PrimaryKey] from [' + @DBName + '].sys.columns inner join (SELECT NAME, object_id, is_ms_shipped, "TABLE" AS TAB_VIEW FROM [' + @DBName + '].sys.tables union SELECT NAME, object_id, is_ms_shipped, "VIEW" AS TAB_VIEW FROM [' + @DBName + '].sys.views ) as tables on tables.object_id = columns.object_id left join [' + @DBName + '].sys.types on types.user_type_id = columns.user_type_id outer apply ( select case when si.object_id is not null then 1 else 0 end as [PrimaryKey] from [' + @DBName + '].sys.indexes si inner join [' + @DBName + '].sys.index_columns ic ON si.OBJECT_ID = ic.OBJECT_ID AND si.index_id = ic.index_id and si.is_primary_key = 1 where si.object_id = tables.object_id and ic.column_id = columns.column_id ) as PK where tables.is_ms_shipped = 0' insert @Output exec sp_sqlexec @SQL print '... Success' end try begin catch print '... Error: ' + error_message() end catch set @CurDB += 1 end select * from @Output print 'COMPLETE!' -- revert